Top 6 Amazing Immunity boosting food (Fruit) in English fight against COVID-19 | Health Wealth Tips | HealthRajni
Top 6 Amazing Immunity boosting food (Fruit) in English | Health Wealth Tips | HealthRajni
Top 6 Amazing Immunity boosting food (Fruit) in English | Health Wealth Tips | HealthRajni
Immunity Boosting Food Foods that increase immunity
- आंवला Gooseberry...
- लहसुन Garlic...
- अदरक Ginger...
- हल्दी Turmeric...
- अनार Pomegranate...
- चकुंदर Sugar beets...
Hello friends,
I hope you are all well and safe in your home.
Today I am going to tell you about foods that will help boost your body's immunity and boost your immunity. As cases of coronavirus continue to rise, taking daily precautions but taking a healthy diet to help boost your immune system has been done on foods that help fight against COVID-19 specifically
1. Gooseberry (Amla)-
Gonorrhea is rich in Vitamin C. Gooseberry can be eaten in many mediums or ways. Drinking gooseberry juice mixed with honey daily in the morning has many benefits as well as strengthens our body's immune system and enhances our immune system.2. Garlic (लहसुन)-
Garlic is rich in many nutrients. Garlic helps in detoxifying our body. And roasting garlic enhances the immunity of our body which helps in protecting our body from various types of infections.3. Ginger (अदरक)-
Ginger contains protein, calcium, iron, vitamins, etc. . Ginger intake also regulates the blood circulation of our body. It also controls the cholesterol of our body.4. Turmeric (हल्दी ) -
Turmeric is a treasure trove of medicinal properties. Turmeric contains anti-oxidant, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties. Turmeric eliminates many diseases like cold and flu. Frequent consumption of turmeric boosts the immunity of our body and enhances immunity. Mixing turmeric in hot milk and drinking it at night is very beneficial. Protects us from the problems caused by the weather.5. Pomegranate (अनार) -
Pomegranate seeds have antiseptic properties as well as antibacterial and antiviral properties, which boost our body's immunity and protect us from many types of viral diseases.6. Sugar beets (चकुंदर) -
Sugar beets is very beneficial for our body. Sugar beets contains iron, vitamin C and potassium which keep our immune system healthy and also make up for the lack of iron in the body. Sugar beets can be eaten in many ways. Sugar beet juice is quite beneficial.
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